Physiology lesson started at 9am as per normal..
Went out for lunch after Physiology lesson. Then went bakery and supermarket to stock up food because for the next 7 days, it'll be China's national holiday.
Because the holiday will be 7 days long, most of the China students will be going back to their hometown. We even saw a few students leaving the campus with their luggage already. Anyway, throughout the following 7 days, we are going to own the whole school!!! We're going to use the table tennis table, badminton court, basketball court, etc! Hahaha... They're always used by the China students (even at night)
I'm alone in the dorm right now because YF, Carol, Geena and some others went out for shopping at the place we went before... Hahaha. They love the place so much. But, I had a good chat over dinner with Letty just now :D And, I found out that Kimberley is a heavy sleeper! Although we were chatting, she was fast asleep! Amazing! Yan Fang is totally the opposite of her! Even a soft noise can wake her up! Hehe...
Alright, guess that's about it! Waiting for Carol and YF to come back :) At the mean time, I can spend some quiet moments with the Lord :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Day 16- Industrial Visit and OIE Presentation
Last night, there was no tap water! And it was only at about 11.30pm when the MDE people told me that I could get water from the 4th floor girls toilet. Because YF was sleeping and Carol was still doing her project, I had to get the water myself. And because it's so late at night, the temperature is really low. Morever, I was just wearing T-shirt, shorts and slippers. Walking down the stairs in the dark, carrying a heavy pail of water was really an experience. Haha..
Today, we had to wake up early for our visit to the coca cola factory! I was quite excited! :)
Btw, while I was looking out of the window, on the way to the factory, I realised that there are actually quite a lot of low rise buildings and in the city area, there are high rise buildings, but not as packed as those in Singapore. Hmm.. maybe Wuhan is not such a big city area or China land is just huge enough to afford low rise buildings. We see high rise buildings almost everywhere in Singapore...
Below are the photos taken in the coke factory:

Coca cola truck-- it's huge!
The manufacturing line (the bottles are moving really fast so the camera can't really catch the bottles)

So, after presentation, we should have a good meal and the China students brought us out to eat western food :D I feel so happy because they've been really nice to us and they still brought us out even though they have a quiz tomororrow... aww... feel bad leh
Below are some pictures of the restaurant:
The restaurant is so dark.. how romantic...
Rani and Melissa. Look at how happy and pleased they are! Haha
Today, we had to wake up early for our visit to the coca cola factory! I was quite excited! :)
Btw, while I was looking out of the window, on the way to the factory, I realised that there are actually quite a lot of low rise buildings and in the city area, there are high rise buildings, but not as packed as those in Singapore. Hmm.. maybe Wuhan is not such a big city area or China land is just huge enough to afford low rise buildings. We see high rise buildings almost everywhere in Singapore...
Below are the photos taken in the coke factory:
(this pic is not so well taken :P Kimberley is supposed to look like she got knock down by the car. Hahaha)
After the coke factory visit, it's time for our OIE presentation! Nervous........
So we rushed back to our dorm and finish up the slides. Following that, I had lunch in the canteen with Letty, Melissa, Kimberley and Rani :) Food was not too bad.
After lunch, we headed to the OIE classroom where our doom begins...
Finally, we all presented and I thought it was quite alright :) except that my friends laughed at the time difference thing.. Really very funny/ weird meh?
Finally, we all presented and I thought it was quite alright :) except that my friends laughed at the time difference thing.. Really very funny/ weird meh?
So, after presentation, we should have a good meal and the China students brought us out to eat western food :D I feel so happy because they've been really nice to us and they still brought us out even though they have a quiz tomororrow... aww... feel bad leh
Below are some pictures of the restaurant:
(But we didn't sit here.. we went to walk around the mall while waiting)
After a heavy dinner, we took a taxi back to our dorm. Ahh.. so full. Hehe...
Thanks a lot Betty and Xing Xing :)
Today's industrial visit was amazing. Instead of just looking at how drinks are manufactured in videos or magazines, we got to see them in action with our own eyes! I thought the trip was really fun. I've also learnt the brief history about coca cola and how it became famous. I thought that the coca cola company must had been very startegic in terms of how they promote coke and how it rose to fame quickly. I felt that coca cola always sponsors campaigns or major events such as the Beijing Olymics in 2008. This might had been one of the ways of promoting the products. Through this visit, I also realised that the coca cola factory actually also produces sprite and many other drinks like Qoo as well! That was really something new to me!
As for today's OIE presentation, I thought everyone presented quie well and I've learnt a lot of additional information about Wuhan through the many presentations. Some were very interesting and insightful. Now, I know Wuhan better!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 15- Industrial visit and Physiology lesson
Today we gathered at 8am for the Industrial visit-- A steel company. We had to wear helmets when we enter the place-- it's where they make steel.

We could feel the heat when the burning hot metal was moving past us although we were standing at quite a distant.

Hot metal coming through!
We then had our lunch in the canteen. And Physiology lesson started at 12pm so lesson ended early too since we started early :) After Physio lesson, YF, Geena and I did our OIE project.. And we're still doing it now :( This is the first time I do a project for soooo long. Hahaha...
Today's industrial visit was an eye-opener for me. I saw how the metal is being made and what it is like in a steel factory. Although it's something different from what I'm studying now, I think that it was a great learning experience for me and I can better understand other jobs such as management,etc.
Today's industrial visit was an eye-opener for me. I saw how the metal is being made and what it is like in a steel factory. Although it's something different from what I'm studying now, I think that it was a great learning experience for me and I can better understand other jobs such as management,etc.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Day 14- OIE lesson and Physiology lesson
Today's OIE lesson is about Chinese Philosophy.And it feels like I've gone back to my secondary school chinese lessons again.. Why? Because we learnt some famous mottos by Chinese Ancient Sages. To write it simply, they're just those chinese phrases I was forced to memorise last time. Hahaha.. Apparently, I've forgotten a lot of them :P It has been more than a year since I last touch chinese.
Below is a photograph of the classroom and my teacher. She's playing for us a video in chinese -.- I couldn't understand it... I only found the cartoon characters amusing. Hehehe...
After lunch, we had our Physiology lesson and after that, went back to our room and do tutorial.
Though today's OIE lesson was a bit boring and dry, I was reminded of the chinese phrases I used to learn. That brings me back to how we always remember the phrases because of the story behind it. And it's interesting to find out how people come out with so many different stories and ends up with a phrase that is used to describe something. I think that's one of the beauties of Chinese language; where there are always stories linked to whatever is present now. (Eg. Ancient artefacts or pictures always have a story to tell, the chinese phrases also have a story behind it, etc)
Below is a photograph of the classroom and my teacher. She's playing for us a video in chinese -.- I couldn't understand it... I only found the cartoon characters amusing. Hehehe...
Though today's OIE lesson was a bit boring and dry, I was reminded of the chinese phrases I used to learn. That brings me back to how we always remember the phrases because of the story behind it. And it's interesting to find out how people come out with so many different stories and ends up with a phrase that is used to describe something. I think that's one of the beauties of Chinese language; where there are always stories linked to whatever is present now. (Eg. Ancient artefacts or pictures always have a story to tell, the chinese phrases also have a story behind it, etc)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 13- Dorm Sweet Dorm
It's time to go back to our dorm! Dorm Sweet Dorm :) [can't believe we were missing it!! hehehe]
But before we set off, we still had one more stop-- to see the hydroelectricity dam (I think.. something along that line.. ya, I know.. I don't even know what I'm looking at, right? :P)
Right at the top, we'll have the bird's eye view of the thingy

The Gang (Dr lau look too kind already! Hahaha)

A high class restaurant for lunch. Very nice food! Yummy! :D
But before we set off, we still had one more stop-- to see the hydroelectricity dam (I think.. something along that line.. ya, I know.. I don't even know what I'm looking at, right? :P)
After a nice lunch, we were ready to go! (Finally...) The whole bus ride is soooooooo long!!! There was a jam halfway through because a truck was overturned and all the cabbage was spread on the road!! Jam was about half an hour long :(
We reached our 'condo' at about 6 plus. Rushed to shower and do laundry.. I ran to the washing machine place in shorts, T-shirt, and slippers. The temp outside is like super cold! (even colder than an air-con room!) Hahaha... What an experience!
I had a great time chatting with my friends on the bus today. And I'm sure all of us had bonded pretty well.
On the way back, I saw many plantations and farmers. This makes me wonder: What if I was born in this environment? How would life be like? This has really set me thinking. Maybe life won't be as stressful as that in a city. But, do these people living in the outskirts also realise that there are other things that they are missing out? And same goes to people who live in the city. Life in the outskirts is so different. Will city dwellers be able to adapt to the changes? What a difference!
Day 12- Yangtze River Cruise
Today is the 2nd day of our cruise. Below is my breakfast for the day, yummy...

Halfway through, we had to transfer to a small boat whereby we sail through the narrower rivers
Melissa and I :)
This was our boat (It's a part can open and close.. haha.. just the wooden version)
We got down fromthe boat and walked through a trail

Rani, me, Melissa, Letty and Hana :)

This is just the beginning...
Hana, Eddy and Rani (Kimberley was at the back! Her hands are raised! Hahaha)

As I looked at the sceneries, I marvel at God's creation. Indeed, he has created this beautiful earth. What an awesome God.
After such a long walk, we had a great dinner! :)
Today, I see hills after hills and all the pictures I took all look so similar. But actually, you can create a picture out of a rock or the shape of the hills. Like, a person lying down, etc. It's indeed interesting to see how these landscapes can also be a form of art. How different people have different ways of interpreting things and how people have various perspectives. The mind we have can be so imaginative!
Day 11- Yangtze River Cruise
Today is the first day of the Yangtze River Cruise. Was quite excited initially because there won't be lessons for 3 whole days. Haha.. Anyway, we gathered together at 12.15pm. And, off we went! The bus journey was super duper long! I think it's even longer from Singapore to KL! :O
Finally, we arrived at our destination :D And here are some photos:

Yan Fang and my room
The very small toilet (like airport toilet)
The city
Getting ready for ship lock!
Finally, we arrived at our destination :D And here are some photos:
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