This is the classroom filled with LSCT students and MDE students for OIE lesson:
OIE lesson ended at about 11.30am and we headed out of the school compound for lunch. Letty, Melissa and I decided to try one of the stalls selling soup with rice (recommended by the teachers). So Letty and I tried the 'dong gua pai gu tang' (winter melon pork ribs soup) while Melissa tried the duck with mushroom soup. This goes along with rice and preserved vegetables that tasted sour and spicy. (Not too bad) All these cost 6 or 7 yuan only! Apparently, there was no electricity and the heat in the restaurant is so unbearable. So we ate outside instead. While drinking the dong gua pai gu tang, I just can't help but think about popo and all the soup we always have for dinner.. miss them! ( Daddy, you must cherish the soup! Don't always avoid it like some fussy small kid! hahaha)
These are some of the photos of my lunch! :) (so nice...)
After Physiology lesson, when we reached the gound floor, we saw this:
After that, Yan Fang, Letty, Kimberley, Melissa and I went to the supermarket and buy more stuff. Yay! :) Dead tired after the grocery shopping because of the long walk from the supermarket to the hostel.
After the shopping, we went back to the hostel room to put down the heavy stuffs and headed for early dinner. This time, we decided to eat at the same place as where I ate for lunch. So shiok, inside got air-con :) And I ordered Kampong chicken with mushroom soup :) Though it was saltier than the one I had for lunch, it still tasted great! And I also tried their cold dessert-- pear in some sweet liquid. (So liang and good!)
Photo of my chicken and mushroom soup:
Drunk zombie--YF
Vampire-- Eddy
I 've realised that China people here are very particular on their punctuality and respect for the teacher. For example, the teacher would be unhappy if we come late for class or when we talk in class. This, I feel is very important as well. In Singapore, some students can't be bothered if they're late or not paying attention in class which I feel we need to greatly work on. Probably, in China, the students are more interested in their studies maybe due to the competitive environment and it's necessary to always show respect to your elders? I'm guess these are all part of the chinese culture and Singaporeans should really learn from them. This includes me. I've learnt my lesson. But I wonder if the students in China are very open, in the sense that would they raise their questions in class? Will they just voice out their opinions even though many might question them? I've realised that in Singapore, many of us do not dare to speak up in class, maybe because we're afraid of being laughed at or we're just simply shy. However, I know that we can learn better if everyone is more paricpative in class.