Yes, today is Althea's birthday! :D The MBio girls gave her a surprise at 12am! Haha.. so cool :)
So, to celebrate Althea's birthday, we went to this greenery cafe (another branch of the western restaurant we ate at the other time the china students brought us). This cafe is near our school and from the outside, the cafe looks really small but actually, it's like an underground cafe! And it's huge and dark (as usual..)
We planned to go shopping today after lunch but because it was quite late after we were done, we decided to shop after quiz tomorrow instead :D I think that'll be better :) so we can enjoy shopping. Hehehe..
Because we were sooo full, we did not even eat dinner. Hahaha... save money, right?
Can't wait for shopping tomorrow! Hehehe... Strange to hear that Sarah is excited about shopping, huh? Well, that's because it's so fun to shop with so many friends! :D
Today has been a day filled with lots of fun and laughter! An unforgettable meal, indeed. I'm sure after this Wuhan trip, I'll know the others a lot better and I'm glad that we're able to build our friendship here, in Wuhan. I hope we can continue to have this much fun back in Singapore although we'll be busy with schoolwork.
On the side note, just found out that Mrs Lee Kuan Yew passed away :( Though I'm not a Singaporean, but honestly, I feel very heavy hearted when I read about it. Before I left for Wuhan, there were quite a number of articles about Mr and Mrs Lee Kuan Yew. And I was really touched when I read those articles-- how Mr Lee Kuan Yew would read poems to his wife, spending precious time with her. Although Mrs Lee Kuan Yew was bed-ridden for a long time, Mr Lee Kuan Yew stayed by her side and kept her company. And I'm sure Mrs Lee had played an important role in Mr Lee's life. For the saying goes, 'Behind every sucessful man is a woman.'
Singapore will always remember Mrs Lee Kuan Yew.