Woke up at about 6.35am, washed up and Rani went to dou lou jie to help me buy porridge for breakfast. Thanks Rani! :)
After that, we (my roomates and I) were rushing like mad! There were so many more things to pack and so much rubbish to throw! :O When I went to the ground floor, it was like a mini smelly mountain! Piles and piles of rubbish! Hahaha..
Finally, we made it at 8am :)
And Yuan Yuan, Xing Xing, Betty and a few other China students also came to our dorm to help us out and to bid farewell to us! How sweet of them..
So the whole plane ride was Wuhan to Guangzhou then to Singapore. And I left my ipod pouch at the Guangzhou airport. Hehe.. Luckily, it was a cheap one.
Finally touched down at 10.05pm and some of the students were singing the song 'Home' in the aeroplane. Hahaha...
After getting back our luggages, we met Dr Lau and our families. Oh, it feels so good to be back home :) Finally.
This whole 5 weeks in wuhan has been an unforgettable experience. Firstly, being away in a foreign land without our families made us more independent. And we've also learnt many things. Secondly, we made many wonderful friends and I don't just refer to the China friends we've made but also Singapore friends like those who were not in my class and some of the MDE students. These friendships are so special because we've been through so many experiences together and we learn so many things together! As for the China friends, I really want to thank them because despite their busy schedule, they set aside some time to bring us out to the city and try out the local food, to shop and constantly showing us care and concern to make us feel welcomed and at home. I also want to thank the teachers who were with us: Dr Lau and Mr Imran. You all are always looking out for us, making sure we're safe and sound. It must had been a really tough job taking care of all 20 of us. Lastly, this whole learning experience had been an enriching one and after spending 5 weeks here, I feel so attached to the place and culture. It's sad to leave Wuhan. However, all these memories will be etched in my mind. For sure.
The End